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5 Ways To Get Artsy Digital Scrapbooking

By Wednesday, March 30, 2016 (MDT) No Comments

Today I want to share 5 ways to get artsy digital scrapbooking.

The artsy approach to combining photos and artsy digital designs in Adobe Photoshop and Elements to create sophisticated artistry is always presumed to follow a complex approach.

This is NOT always the case.

It’s easier than it looks.

5 Ways To Get Artsy Digital Scrapbooking

Star Bright | Adryane Driscoll

5 Ways To Get Artsy Digital Scrapbooking


Blending is the action of seamlessly assembling multiple images into one composite using the tools in graphics editing software such as Adobe Photoshop and Elements. It’s the core of what we do around here and is the main focus of both the digital designs and education found here at Anna Aspnes Designs.

You can blend images using FotoBlendz clipping masks, Artsy Layered Templates or ArtsyTransfers.

Watch the following video tutorials for guidance in using these DigitalART products in Adobe Photoshop or Elements:

You can also create custom photo blending using the Layer Mask and various tools in Adobe Photoshop and Element outlined in my AnnaBlendz LIVE workshops.

1. AboutDavidBowie-Holmes-1000

About David Bowie | Laura Tringali Holmes


Tucked in a Corner | Linda Davis


Scrumptious | Adryane Driscoll

2. Add Light

Injecting light into your composites adds an ethereal or magical quality to your digital artistry.

Light can be added to your digital scrapbooking through the use of Filters, FotoGlows (Flares, Bokeh and Light Leaks) and Blending Modes.

Learn more in the following artsy digital scrapbooking video tutorials for Adobe Photoshop or Elements:

Also see Brighten a Photo with FotoGlows tutorial.


Best of Friends | Adryane Driscoll

2. Watching-Holmes-1000

Watching | Laura Tringali Holmes


Perfect | Linda Davis

3. Embellish With Paint

ArtStrokes are digital pencil or pen lines delivered with transparency. Also known as hand-drawn swirled lines and scribbles.

They can also include Tools such as stains and paint strokes which can be added in multiple layers in your composites, in varying colors, orientations and sizes, with different Blending Modes applied.

ArtStrokes and Tools are typically delivered in .png and .abr format. The .png format provides a transparent background for use in most photo editing software programs, while the .abr file is designed for use with the Paint Brush tool in Adobe Photoshop and Elements.

See Brushes#1 | Loading and Using Brushes Basics for further guidance.

Note that various ArtStrokes and paint/stain layers can also be found in the ArtsyTransfers and Artsy Layered Templates.


Love Her But | Adryane Driscoll

4. For Our Daughters-Holmes-1000

For Our Daughters | Laura Tringali Holmes

Happening right nowArtsale from March 29th Marianne 1000

Nothing Better | Marianne van Arnhem

4. Using Filters

There are a number of Filters available within Adobe Photoshop and Elements, as well as third party software programs which can be used to add light and turn your photos into artistic sketches or paintings.

See the following artsy digital scrapbooking tutorials for a few examples:

The use of Filters in Adobe Photoshop and Elements are often included in many of my classes, including AnnaBlendz LIVE.


Flowers In My Window | Adryane Driscoll



A Moment In Time | Ulla May Berndtsson


Starry Night | Marianne van Arnhem

5. Outside The Box Approaches

Using graphics and photo-editing software programs to create scrapbooking enables you to push the boundaries of what is possible within the world of conventional art.

From creating easy extractions, adding special effects and using digital tools in unique ways, you can add artsy appeal to your digital scrapbooking pages and digital artistry composites.


Fly | Adyrane


Go and Do | Eva Simon


Star Light | Fiona Kinnear

So there you haven it – 5 Ways To Get Artsy Digital Scrapbooking that you can implement today.

Looking for guidance in hacking your digital artistry?

Join me for 10 ArtsyHacks for Digital Scrapbookers.

Registrations ends tomorrow.

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Anna Aspnes

Author Anna Aspnes

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